Reasons for Failure in Network Marketing
Network marketing is a very cool
strategy, and it can give you a residual income if only you know the right
secrets in it. One of the reasons why people fail miserably in network
marketing is because they are in the wrong company. One way in which you can
know whether a person is in the right company or the wrong one is by looking at
how enthusiastic they are. If he is not, then just know that he is in the wrong
company. Also, a person who cannot explain why he finds the products he is
selling so great, then he is sailing in the wrong boat. Such a person will
always have products in his bag that have overstayed simply because he has not
sold them. He will also get a minimal payment that cannot take him / her
through half the month.
People in network marketing also fail
because they do not strike a balance between recruiting and selling the
product. You cannot purely do recruiting without selling because you may run
out of leads and cause your network to stagnate. You cannot also sell your
products without recruiting because there comes a time when the market for
those products is just not at the peak season to enable you to rely on points
made from sales only. Also, you need to put effort, because network marketing cannot
be a ticket to over night richness. This get rich quick mentality is what makes
most people in network marketing to fail.
Another mentality that makes people
in network marketing to fail is the one where they do not see network marketing
as a job simply because it is not set up in a proper office setting. Therefore,
they end up doing it like a part time job or they place it at the same level as
golfing, if this is their hobby, it cannot work like this. However, the funny
thing is that when the end of the month comes, this person expects rewards that
only a “real” job can give.
Also, you cannot do network
marketing without short term, medium term and long term goals, because you will
fail miserably. It cannot work if all you are living and dying for in your
network marketing is this current month. All you care about is how much you
will get. This is vey harmful to your network and it is the easiest way to kill