How the Positive Thinking Series Helps You Get Advanced Affirmation and Attraction
a positive life is the key to success. Look at ball the successful individuals;
rarely do they tend to wear a frown on their faces. This is simply because they
tend to dispose all kinds of negativity that is put in them and turn it into
success. This is exactly what “Advanced Affirmation and Attraction” is all
about. This is an e-Book that is part of the Positive Thinking Series of 5
e-books that squarely contains tips on how best to use deal with negativity. In
“Advanced Affirmation and Attraction”, one gets tips that help him or her
attract the good things in life using a positive mindset. In addition to this,
it also has some tips on the proper use of power strategies for life success.
the first chapter, the author talks about the little things in life that bring
about happiness in us. The book states that we should explore them and
concentrate on them for a positive mindset. As a matter of fact, they will help
overshadow the negativity that pulls us back. Chapter two then discusses the
provisions for a positive life that are within us. These are basically our
strengths, gifts and natural talents; we should use them positively for our
benefits. In the next chapter, one gets
introduced to power methods that can efficiently guide us to positive thinking.
I find the fourth and fifth chapters to be the most important in the whole
book. This is because the talk of building the life you desire. According to
these two chapters, whether or not you get the life you have always dream of is
all upon you. Chapter four basically speaks about creating your dream life.
Hard work is obviously one of the basic factors of creating the perfect life
but it should be accompanied by positivity. This is where chapter five comes in
speaking about attitude. The kind of attitude you have on something will
influence how ell you perform in it; a positive attitude leads to success and
vice versa. In addition to this, with a positive mindset one will be able to
attract the good things.
six is all about getting out of you comfort zone. This is where the aspect of
hard work and sacrifice for success comes in. The final two chapters dwell on
the art of affirmations and how well one can use them for success.