Network Marketing : Encouraging Your Downline to Bring in More Business
businesses have become the most popular and successful in the world. In fact,
networking businesses make up 40% of the prosperous businesses in the world.
Take for example companies such as Amway and Pampered Chef; they have succeeded
in gaining maximal profits by using multilevel marketing means. However, this
depends on how well a leader will motivate his or her downline. Profits are the
major things used to tell if the business is doing well or not. And since
profits are brought about by the network members, then motivating them is a key
are a number of ways in which one can motivate his or her downline to generate
more money. The very first one is by showing them that you care. This is by
assisting them in whatever area they find difficulties. Make yourself available
always to help them. Even go to an extent of calling them just to ask if you
can help in any way whatsoever. As a leader, this will mean a lot to your
downline members. A mentality that the leader cares for us will grow in them
hence a sense of motivation. As a result, they will work harder hence bringing
in more business.
can also act as a teacher. Tell them all the secrets you used to improve on
your marketing and recruiting to an extent of becoming promoted to being a
leader. As a matter of fact, one can come up with a blog in which you will use
to interact with the downline. Tell them what is expected of a good downline,
share you secrets and even recommendations. As for the recommendations,
encourage them to follow them to the letter. You will find out that they will
trust you more as well as improving on their work accounts. Success will be
written all over the business!
generally motivate them. Come up with a system that will really motivate them
to work hard and harder. One method that I have seen to be very effective is
the use of rewards. Reward all the good performers after a specific period of
time. By top performers I mean individuals such as the greatest interest
generators, those who have stayed for the longest time in the downline or even
the best improved in terms of profit generated. Reward them using good gifts.
On top of this, one can also introduce top performers lapel pins. All these
deeds will go a long way in encouraging your downline to bring in more