So many
people round the world are talking about enlightenment. Many are also trying as
much as they can so that they attain it. The first thing that we are going to
look at is the meaning of the word enlightenment. Enlightenment simply means
wisdom or the ability of understanding. When you take the definition of
enlightenment from the English dictionary you will find that it has two main
areas. The first area is the spiritual enlightenment and the second area is the
intellectual enlightenment or in other words secular enlightenment.
The most
interesting thing is that the people who have the intellectual enlightenment do
not agree with the spiritual perception at any time. They believe in sciences
and in the today world this is not possible considering many areas of spiritual
When you
consider the intellectual or the secular enlightenment you are talking about
European movement called the age of enlightenment or the age of reason. This is
where human beings documented on the miserable conditions of the humans and the
call for serious transformation. Enlightenment was more a set of attitudes that
it was a set of ideas. It main thing was a serious concern on puzzling
traditional institutions, customs and morals submitting to theoretical growth
connected to scientific wisdom in the C18th.
There are
various quotes which are well known concerning the spiritual enlightenment and
some of them are like, “to become one with yourself”, “knowing your inner self”
and “obtaining inner peace.” The meaning of these quotes is like accepting
yourself the way you are. You should also honor every one as they go their own
way not put in your beliefs into them. You should know that you are the
controller of your own life. You are also supposed to believe that there is a
much higher power than you and that you are significant in this part of the
worldwide energy.
People have
also agreed with the truth is that every human being is in the world for a purpose
and to become spiritually enlightenment meaning looking for a cause and then
taking action upon it. There are those who have taken the meaning of definition
as spiritual enlightenment as it is whereas there are those who are still
looking for more. The spiritual enlightenment and the spiritual world go
together very well. There re those people who are born with powers whereas some
have to work hard on their abilities. For you to attain the levels of spirit
connection you have to meditate, focus and acknowledging mind.