Meditation and Medicine

Meditation is one of the arts that are known to have positive effects
on the health of a human being. There is what meditation does to the human
brain that makes it work for the entire health and wellbeing of the person who
practices it. Scientists have proven that there are changes that occur in the
different parts of the brain when one meditates which cause positive effects on
The part of the brain responsible for all reasoning, known as the
frontal cortex, switches off during meditation. This automatically ensures that
one is not directly conscious of their emotions and thoughts, so that stress
levels go down. The part of the brain that makes you become conversant with
your surrounding is called the parietal lobe, and this also shuts down during
The reticular, whose main job is to ensure that the brain is alert by
receiving incoming info, pauses and allows the brain to be “idle” per say.
There are different waves in which the brain operates to bring out different
results. The best wave the brain can be in for physical healing, mental
sharpness and psychological wellness is the alpha wave pattern – meditation
ensures that the brain switches to this state.
When you make meditation a regular practice and you learn to do it in
the right way, then you are in for a boost in your psychological and
physiological health status. There are many benefits that meditation brings to
your health. Stress is one giant that meditation deals with. Stress has been
known to cause most disorders and diseases, ad it also causes social disorders.
Meditation is able to bring your being to a level where stress levels are very
minimal and manageable.
A person who does good meditation also becomes relaxed, hence becoming
less anxious and less likely to get depression. Meditation also ensures that
one is in control of their emotions and that one is not irritable; such
qualities make one even more socially acceptable. Meditation also improves
alertness and results to greater memory, wider scope of reasoning, better
creativity and a higher faculty to learn.
The pulse rate and blood pressure lowers because of meditation, thus
ensuring that the heart and other organs are not overworked. Also, the flow of
blood to organs is boosted, ensuring that tissues are supplied with oxygen and
nutrients. Cholesterol levels are lowered and free radicals, that cause cancer,
are reduced. General pain is reduced because of relaxation and oxygenation of
muscle tissues. Meditation has benefits that are indispensable, and you should
adapt this practice.